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SIAMS Report

Our Recent SIAMS Inspection 2019


Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Inspection (SIAMS) – St Mark’s CE Primary School is Excellent!


Our school was inspected on Friday 1st March as part of the five year cycle of inspection for Anglican and Methodist Church schools. You will be pleased to hear that we achieved Excellent as an overall grade from their findings.

From the Very Rev. John Mann:


The news that St Mark’s School has achieved the grade of Excellent overall in its evaluation by the Diocesan inspection team is both just and fitting, considering the superb leadership and dedicated work that has been transforming and challenging.  Every member of staff and every child has contributed to this success.  Congratulations!  The light, to which the School’s touchstone sentence of Scripture refers, is shining brightly in our School.  It is good news for the whole community.  To Sally Craig and Robert Stoner especially, but to the whole school family, may I say a heartfelt “Thank you!”
