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Spring 2

Home learning project

Have a look at our amazing home learning projects.

We had to make a pirate ship for our topic 'pirates' and a local pirate 'Harry Paye'


Check out our amazing World Book Day costumes! 

Can you work out what book we're from?

In RE we learnt about Good Friday and Easter Sunday stories.

We talked about heaven and what this means to us. Then we created a painting to show the light of heaven shining down and the crosses on the hill

DT making and testing our boats

Have a look at us making and testing our boats for DT!

First we designed our boats, then looking at our design brief we made our boats. After we tested them to see if they floated and moved.

Science - planting a seed

In science we have each planted a sunflower seed.

We put one in the cupboard with water but no light, and one in the sun but with no water. Then we made predictions on how they might grow.
