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Who's Who

Meet the team and find out who’s who?

School Organisation

We accept children aged 4+ to 11, with the youngest children starting in the September of the school year in which they will be five.

There are currently 5 classes, all classes are of mixed ability and are organised into the following way:

Puffins: Reception & Year One

Penguins: Year Two

Falcons: Year Three & Year Four

Skylarks: Year Five
Ospreys: Year Six

Senior Leadership Team:


Mrs R Martin - Working days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Maths, SIAMS, PSHE and MFL lead


Deputy Headteacher:

Mrs V Brierley - Year Six Class Teacher, Disadvantaged Children's Champion, Literacy and Music lead. 



DSL : Mrs A Stephens

DDSL: Mrs R Martin, Mrs V Brierley and Mrs S Burton



Mrs S Reddyhoff


Pastoral and Mental Health Lead :

Mrs A Stephens 


Teaching Staff:

Mrs L Cooper – Reception/Year One Class Teacher and Early Years Foundation Stage, Phonics – KS1 & KS2 lead

Mr Norman - Year Two Class Teacher and Computing Lead
Mrs Davies - Year Three and Four Class Teacher and P.E Lead

Mrs Crawford- Year Three and Four Class Teacher and Geography and History lead

Ms A Le-Roux - Year Five Class Teacher, Science Lead and the Enrichment Curriculum

Support Staff:


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Burton - Interventions Manager, ELSA and Deputy Safeguarding Lead 

Mr S Johnson - ELSA and Forest School Lead

Mrs S Quirey

Mrs D Sparkes

Ms J Osborn

Miss J Hoppe

Mr P Penn

Mrs G Walbridge



Miss N Canning

Estates & Health & Safety Officer:

Mr M Woolley

Site Manager:

Mr G Daynes


Mrs S Erskine

Mrs S Quirey

Mrs J Dehon



Midday Supervisory Assistants:

Lead Midday Supervisor: Mrs K Brown
Mrs W  Riddell
Mrs J Dehon
Mrs S Erskine

Mrs A Freeman



