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RE Curriculum

R.E at St Mark’s


'I am the light of the world, whoever walks with me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. 



As a Church of England School, our RE curriculum is based on the Diocese of Salisbury’s recommended resource - Understanding Christianity. Two-thirds of our curriculum taught is on Christianity, with one-third other world faiths.


Our Christianity topics are: God, Creation (and Fall), Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, People of God, Kingdom of God. These topics are revisited and developed across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Through these topics we also look at aspects of world views eg. Humanism.


The other world faiths we teach are: Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.


We also hold Journey Days once a term. These give us opportunities to look more closely at an aspect of Christianity or world other faiths. For example, we looked at the Easter story, at The Trinity and we used the theme of light to compare how this is used in world faiths (eg. Hindu Diwali, Christian Advent, Buddist Vesak and Jewish Hannukah).


RE Curriculum Coverage 2024 - 25
