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In Music, out theme has been The Chinese New Year and we have been learning about Pentatonic scales. A Pentatonic is made up of 5 notes and can be played in any order to make a melody. We used glockenspiels to create our own melodies in partners and performed these at the end of the lesson. 



Spring 2 Week 3


This week in Art we learnt about the incredible artist Mondrian and how he influenced others to create Abstract Art. Take a look at our plans that we have made ready to paint next lesson. 

We were only allowed to use black, the primary colours and white. We also had to use straight lines and squares or rectangles as our plans are inspired by Mondrian. 



The Etches Fossil Museum

Last week, Year 3 went to The Etches Fossil Museum in Kimmeridge as part of their recent Rocks and Soils Science topic. Some activities included looking at fossils closely using a microscope, designing a new species of dinosaur, a fossil quiz and a tour around the museum. The children had a fantastic time and hope to return again! 


If you wish to visit yourself, take a look at the museum's website: 

Spring 2 Week 2


This week we have been recapping our knowledge on Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colours. We had lots of fun mixing the colours to create our own colour wheels. 



Our inspiration for DT this half term was the English baker David Hollywood. After researching, tasting, planning and designing our own bread, we had so much fun making our own. Some of us added raisins, dried fruit, seeds and even chocolate chips to make it taste sweet. 


